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Every day regional newspapers up and down the land go into battle on behalf of their readers. On this page you will find an archive of the hundreds of stories which HoldtheFrontPage has carried about newspapers fighting for their communities.

Minister acts on Argus"wake up call"

The South Wales Argus’ 18-month Justice for Miners campaign has taken a huge step forward after new energy minister Peter Hain revealed he is to propose an “Argus-style” solution. The campaign focuses on the problems faced by ex-miners claiming compensation

Child safety success for Echo

The Government has taken up a major campaign to fit child car seats properly after seeing evidence from a similar initiative in the Express and Echo. A long-running campaign by the newspaper is raising awareness of the issue and teaches

Evening Express posters launch crackdown

Vandals causing misery in the town of Fraserburgh have been put in check – thanks to a campaign backed by the Aberdeen Evening Express. Operation Repair was launched by the police in November to crack down on the damage caused

Blair praise for Mercury editor

The editor of the Matlock Mercury has received praise from the Prime Minister for his campaign to win an appeal for Stephen Downing. Prisoner Stephen Downing was set free on bail on Wednesday, pending his appeal, after 27 years in

Community champions!

The Evening Express has launched a community campaign to bring help for groups that need assistance. The paper has put together a “hit-squad” to run appeals for help when people need action in their community. They have promised to help

Thousands of shoppers to get the Clubsafe message

The Evening Post’s Clubsafe campaign is set to reach thousands of new people thanks to a local shopping centre, which has added its weight to the scheme. Posters are to be displayed at The Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol, which has

Samaritans' appeal raises £4,000 in ten days

A Save our Samaritans campaign launched by the Liverpool Echo has raised £4,000 in just ten days. The campaign, which has involved all the region’s media, aims to raise £1m to provide the charity with a trust fund to secure

Baby BJ fund continues to grow

The Mercury group’s Baby BJ appeal is enjoying continued success and has now raised over £17,500. The newspaper, which covers Lewisham, Greenwich, Bexley and Streatham, launched the appeal with the aim of raising £12,000 to buy therapeutic equipment for a

Charles supports Cornish appeal

Prince Charles has been named one of hundreds of people to donate to the Cornish Guardian’s centenary appeal fund. The fund, for a sleep monitor for a children’s hospital unit in Cornwall, has got off to a fantastic start. The

Drug-dealing info boost

Police have praised a campaign appealing for information on drug dealers in Wiltshire following another appeal for help from a heartbroken mother. The campaign, being run by the Wiltshire Gazette, is called ‘Shop a Pusher’ and gives the public a

MPs take on "glassing" issue

A newspaper campaign to use toughened glass and plastic bottles in nightspots to prevent injuries has been boosted by support in the House of Commons. MPs are concerned that injuries caused by glasses can cause lasting physical and mental scarring.

Searching for pride

A new pride in Aberdeen is the aim of a new campaign for a better life for people in north-east Scotland. The Evening Express has revealed more details of its Community Champions scheme, which will boost local improvement projects, help

Eight-page drugs 'special' from the Post

An eight-page pull-out on what every parent should know about drugs has been published by the Nottingham Evening Post. The supplement drew to a close the Post’s hard-hitting campaign about drugs and drug abuse. It was launched because the drug

Top Tory backs Evening Star campaign

The Ipswich Evening Star’s campaign to get more help for teachers is being backed by the Shadow Education Secretary, Theresa May. Mrs May highlighted the paper’s crusade when she appeared on Radio 4’s Today programme. She told the Evening Star:

Herald wins tribute towar heroes

A Tamworth war hero has become part of the town’s infrastructure – barely two years after he was a virtual unknown. The turnaround has happened because of a campaign by the Tamworth Herald and its deputy editor, Phil Shanahan, chairman

More than a business a day

The Business A Day campaign from the Evening Gazette has helped kick-start 144 new ventures around the Middlesbrough area. The paper launched its bid to help create new firms with support from a local business support agency, and nine other