The Have a Heart campaign being run by the Camarthen Journal has had plenty of support despite being set up just before Christmas.
In only seven weeks the appeal has topped the £8,000-mark thanks to donations by individuals, groups and businesses.
The campaign is being run in association with the Dyfed Powys Police and aims to supply heart defibrillators to be carried in police cars.
Apart from the cheques that have been flooding in – totalling more than £1,000 a week, there are plans for special fundraising events.
The newspaper also wants to raise awareness of the dangers of heart disease and equip police to deal with the common occurrence of having to go to the aid of a heart attack victim.
The paper said: “There is no doubt that heart problems hit every family in some shape or form and we are sure that it’s for this reason you have supported our cause in such a big way.
“We need to raise £50,000 and despite the fact that Christmas came a short while after we launched our campaign we have found that our readers have responded with much enthusiasm.”
Other fundraising events being planned to help the appeal include the donation of entry money from the monthly pub quiz at the Lamb of Rhos in Llangeler as well as a benefit concert by local bands.
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