Award given for campaign on housing law
May 2023 News
Editor hit with sexist abuse for covering rape and domestic violence
News chief also opens up on classism she has faced
Watchdog throws out death risk claim about daily’s advertorial
Reader accused paper of profiting from item that could kill
Editorial team’s expansion sparks weekly’s move to new office
Newspaper regains own dedicated workspace
Football reporter quits role to spend weekends with daughter
Journalist moves back to news reporting
Journalist hails ’emotional, powerful experience’ after marathon run
Writer raises funds for Motor Neurone Disease appeal
Regional journalists urged to help improve government transparency
Ideas welcomed for national action plan
Columnist speaks out after regional daily pulls racism piece
Newspaper rejected column on actress’s Coronation comments
Editor calls for regional daily’s archive to go back online
News chief “pushing for” revival of project
Newsrooms threaten to boycott Tory Conference over fees
Regional political journalists affected by row
Weekly’s wrap marks silverware success for patch football team
Trophy triumph prompts special edition
Journalist’s ‘cursed’ old car involved in Downing Street crash
Sportsdesk chief says vehicle “an absolute lemon”
Law Column: Final ruling in Banks v. Cadwalladr a ‘dark day for press freedom’
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Reach dominating regional press battle for readers online, figures show
But retention statistics tell different story
Football reporter quits newspaper to join club he covers
Move comes after team’s promotion
Newspaper archive featuring almost 1,000 titles saved after fundraising success
Library raises six-figure sum after appeal