Don’t be a copy and paste monkey, warns head of investigations unit
Lancashire Evening Post
What we have written about Lancashire Evening Post
Publisher’s investigations unit highlights UK’s school knife crime woes
Findings provide splashes for a number of company’s titles
Dyson at Large: Celebrating quality editorial at Johnston Press
Praise for regional daily over probe into MP’s absence from work
Editor who ran weekly for 23 years dies aged 89
Tributes to journalist who spent more than 40 years in regional press
Choose your regional Front Page of the Year 2017
Annual HTFP poll is now open
Johnston Press journalists demand ‘urgent’ pay and staffing review
Union says members at 10 titles have written to company
Daily gives over front page in tribute to arena bomb’s youngest victim
Family invites newspaper to cover girl’s funeral
Regional journalist who edited farmers’ paper dies at 86
Editor spent 18 years at helm of specialist title
Daily urges readers to back summer food bank campaign
Bid launched to help charities over school holidays
Daily reporter highly commended for work in medical journalism
Recognition for series on organ donation
Regional daily runs yellow front page tribute to terror victim
Colour stands out against black and white photo
Regional daily journalist up for two gongs at medical journalism awards
Winners announced later this month
Standing with Manchester: How the regional press covered atrocity
More than 40 regional titles give over front pages to terror attack victims
Towers, bollards and 99p coins: How the regional press marked April Fool’s Day
Round-up of local newspaper pranks
Journalist who ghosted two England footballers’ columns dies at 78
Reporter spent 45 years in regional press
Six dailies join sister national in ‘explosive’ NHS reform splash
Regional publisher’s central unit reveals findings of investigation