Plans for the launch of new regional newspaper publisher Local World are continuing apace with the appointment of a new-look senior management team.
The company, formed by a merger of Northcliffe Media and Iliffe News and Media, is due to open for business on 1 January.
A ten-strong interim senior team, headed by chief executive Steve Auckland, has now been named and includes senior executives from both of the predecessor companies.
They include Mike Richardson, until now managing director of Iliffe’s central division who will head one of three publishing divisions in the new structure.
Mike will oversee a division comprising all the former Iliffe newspaper centres including Cambridge, Bedford, Milton Keynes and Burton on Trent.
Meanwhile the current Northcliffe centres will be split into two further regional publishing divisions.
Existing Northcliffe executive director Rich Mead will oversee the West Country, South Wales and South East titles, while former Johnston Press executive Margaret Hilton will take charge of the Hull, Lincoln, Derby, Nottingham. Leicester and Stoke centres on an interim basis pending a permanent appointment.
Also joining the team will be Graham Judge, currently group human resources director for Iliffe parent company Yattendon, who will be in charge of HR.
As previously announced, Northcliffe finance director Rachel Addison continues in the same role with the newly-merged company.
Also keeping their existing roles are Northcliffe Digital boss Lee Williams, who will be digital director for the merged operation, and Karen Wall who will be in charge of talent, marketing and communications.
Making up the executive team will be Kevin Carrick, currently Northcliffe’s chief technology officer will also be in charge of pre-press, printing distribution and property, and Janet Smith, who will lead the transformation programme across the business.”
Janet will be assisted by Alan Renwick, who moves from his current role as publisher for Bristol News and Media, to be replaced on an interim basis by Steve Brown.
Steve Auckland said: “The team to lead Local World is a mixture of talented, enthusiastic and experienced Iliffe and Northcliffe executives, all committed to making a difference in local publishing.
“The team will continue to evolve as the transformation programme, led by Janet Smith, gathers pace. We are fortunate to have such a strong group of individuals to select from and if you consider the talent underneath this team, you can see Local World has a really strong future.”
Local World will be 38.7pc owned by Northcliffe parent company DMGT, with Yattendon owning a 21.3pc share and Trinity Mirror 20pc. The remaining shares are split between various smaller investors.
A consultation process is currently under way with employees of the two companies under the Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment (TUPE) rules. It is due to be completed before Christmas.
Same faces?
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Top heavy already !
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waiting for redundancies…..
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If they want to see what really good LOCAL newspapers can do they should go to:
They could all learn something to their advantage without paying fortunes to senor executives.
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Err was this not pretty much the structure that Northcliffe had previously with Steve AD running the South and Phil Inman running the North? Not very imaginative or original ! Yet again just moving the deckchairs around.
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The phrase “shameless plug” comes to mind, mnouse that roars.
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TUPE finished early for some then? Same old same old. But did we expect anything different? Redundancies for many of the plebs within weeks. My advice (as an ex-NML exec) is ask for it now under DMGT’s payments. One thing for sure is it will be a lot less under the new regime.
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We’re not allowed. Voluntary redundancy is not being offered at this point – should we choose not to take on the terms and conditions of the “new company” we are simply leaving out of choice.
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Meet the new boss…
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No a plug: a fact. You dont need to be a giant to make a difference. You just need focus, hard work and vision to go out and open your own newspaper – and make it work.
The proof of the pudding is in the reading … go look at our website link blue stringer (who ever that is)
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Sub. They can do it if they want to and have done before when it suits. TUPE rules state you can’t demand a severence package but you can ask for it. Might be worth asking if any deal has already been made between DMGT and Local World re DMGT paying Local World for the cost of severance packages after transfers have been completed. If so ask if severance packages will be less than current.
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@Sub. Also remember that rules for TUPE are pretty tight on what the employer can do. You have all the rights you had at NML (except pensions can be changed). Local World is prohibited from making any changes to your terms and conditions of employment. As they are merging two companies ex-NML employees will be on different terms than IIiffe employees.
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Last one out – switch off the light………………….
RIP Northcliffe!
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What exciting times for all those worthy execs. I am losing my job at Iliffe in March and they still haven’t bothered to work out my redundancy pay. The small guy counts for absolutely nothing now.
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