The search has begun for successors to the editors at two Northcliffe evening papers. George Edwards is retiring from the South Wales Evening Post in Swansea after 40 years with the group, while Peter Moore is also retiring, after 20
Peter Moore
What we have written about Peter Moore
Workers gagged as Telegraph prints pay cuts exclusive
Council staff have defied an order not to talk to Grimsby Telegraph reporter Olinka Koster, by phoning and faxing messages to back her latest scoop. The ban comes after the paper disclosed that hundreds of workers at North East Lincolnshire
Court ace "Stevie" dies
Former Grimsby Telegraph court reporter Marjorie Stevenson has lost her long battle against cancer at the age of 83. Better-known as Steve or Stevie, she enjoyed a long and celebrated career and was respected by many leading members of the
Trainees' 100 per centpass rate
The first set of students on Grimsby College’s NVQ level four in newspaper journalism have completed the course with a 100 per cent pass rate. A presentation to congratulate them was attended by Grimsby Telegraph editor Peter Moore and Lincolnshire
Dinner row means a bumper postbag for Grimsby
A row over school dinners has given the Grimsby Telegraph its biggest-ever postbag. Hundreds of readers have written to the paper to voice their opposition to plans to abolish the traditional school dinner The council wants to replace hot meals
Concorde 'specials' beat the nationals
Fast-reacting staff at two Lincolnshire papers pulled out the stops to be among the first to break news of the Concorde crash. The Grimsby Evening Telegraph and the Lincolnshire Echo both had special editions rolling off the presses at 5.30pm.
Readers' choice
Readers of The Star are being invited to have their say on the naming of city council buildings in Sheffield. New office blocks being built in the city centre have been designed to reflect the beauty of the city and
Court sketch plan draws reporter into witness box
Courtroom drama followed the Grimsby Telegraph’s latest bid to publish pictures of people involved in major court cases. The paper has campaigned for years against a police’s refusal to issue photographs, following conviction, except in cases such as rape and
The Sun don't like it up 'em!
The sniffy Sun thinks we’re “very sad” in telling you how they claimed a regional newspaper exclusive as their own. The Grimsby Telegraph splashed on Monday with the horrific tale of 11-year-old Porl French, who slipped from a chair on
Telegraph poll on law and order
The Grimsby Telegraph has launched a massive survey inviting its readers to tell the Government what they think about law and order. Five years ago, the newspaper conducted a poll among its readers on crime and its effects. Hundreds of
Telegraph publishes rapist's picture after police refuse to help
A vicious rapist has been pictured in the Grimsby Telegraph – despite a refusal by police to provide a photograph. Terence Maver (38) was jailed for nine years at Lincoln Crown Court after terrorising a schoolteacher in her own home.
Star is praised for 'sensitive' reporting
The Sheffield Star has won praise from a council chief for the way it reported the asylum seekers crisis. Leader of Sheffield Council, Peter Moore, told a meeting of the city’s Corporate Strategy Committee: “The Star must be praised for
Long-serving sub loses compensation case
A long-serving Grimsby Telegraph sub-editor who claimed pressure of work triggered a mental breakdown has failed in an Appeal Court bid for compensation. Barry Green, who joined the Telegraph as a 17-year-old cub reporter in 1958, argued that bosses should
Guidelines "were followed" in indecency case
The editor of the Grimsby Telegraph has countered claims his paper was wrong to publish the name and address of a suspected paedophile who was subsequently murdered. The pensioner, who was cleared of paedophile offences, was murdered after the details
Memorial fund hits target
A Grimsby Telegraph campaign to raise £60,000 for a fishermen’s memorial in the town has reached its target. The appeal was launched 20 months ago as part of the paper’s Millennium initiatives. Every sector of the local community became involved.
Grimsby Telegraph is fishermen's friend
The Grimsby Telegraph has played a key role in helping win multi-million-pound compensation for former distant-water fishermen. For 10 years the paper campaigned alongside MPs and the British Fishermen’s Association in a bid to win justice for men thrown out