Sheffield College leads the list of the UK’s top ten industry-accredited courses
Joanne Butcher
What we have written about Joanne Butcher
Thumbs-up for journalism training at Cornwall College
Post-grad course is being hailed as one of the best in the country
NVQ and NCE will merge to create single journalism qualification
Move will see Newspaper Society transfer training responsibilities to NCTJ as NVQ is phased out
Industry and NCTJ 'working together' to ensure journalists have digital skills
Editors’ conference looks at how to train the journalists of tomorrow
Speakers lined up for Glasgow media conference
Evening Gazette website team to join BBC executive and other speakers at editors’ event
Journalism courses rubber-stamped by NCTJ prior to launch
News courses at University of Teesside and Kingston University are accredited
League table for journalism courses to be launched by training body
Some colleges to win “course of excellence” label while others will gain standard accreditation
Journalism students to take exams again after papers are lost in post
College offers to cover extra costs as steps are taken to ensure papers don’t go missing again
NCTJ holds first higher education forum
Trent University hosts 17 journalism trainers at NCTJ event
Training body reports increased take-up of accredited courses
More students on NCTJ courses; big plans for ’07
Bursaries on offer after Diversity Fund gets cash boost
Bid to attract more people from ethnically and socially diverse backgrounds into industry
NCTJ joins forces with BJTC to meet demand for multi-media journalists
New video journalism qualification and skills summit will result from closer working partnership
Surge in number of trainees sitting NCE
More than 290 candidates will face testing time today
TV man Austin praises work of NCTJ
ITV News journalist opens training body’s new HQ
Former editor Dooley takes on training ombudsman role
Newspaper man will oversee the quality and fairness of NCTJ qualifications
Exam first for springtime journalism candidates
Changes to NCE put more emphasis on note-taking and accuracy