Photographer who served sister titles for nearly four decades dies aged 67
Tributes paid to “fine champion” for his region
A picture paints a thousand words and it has always been the case that a great photo can light up any page of a newspaper.
In today’s world of digital technology and citizen journalists lurking on every corner, photographers and photography have never been so important. Here you will find all the stories we have carried about this sector of the industry.
Tributes paid to “fine champion” for his region
Tributes paid to “remarkable cameraman”
Company bestows honour after death last year
Photojournalist recognised for business pictures
Tributes paid to lensman who had “real passion” for photos
Tributes to “familiar face” across patch
Lensman was once nominated for World Press Awards
Archive digitised after being rescued from skip
Lensman’s pictures were also sent to Queen
Tributes to ‘superb’ features writer and photographer
Match photography reduced or suspended in some areas
Business portfolio impresses judges
Regular piece was published after terminal diagnosis
Business photos clinch nomination
Tributes to freelance whose work was ‘real labour of love’
Tributes paid to multi-award-winner