Law Column: Does right to privacy trump press freedom on reporting restrictions?
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
HoldtheFrontPage publishes two columns – the regular Law Column and Dyson at Large.
The fortnightly Law Column is written by media law specialists Foot Anstey and is designed to encourage debate on all aspects of the law as it affects working journalists. It appears every other Tuesday.
Former regional daily editor Steve Dyson’s monthly Dyson at Large blog established itself as a must-read throughout the local press industry for more than 10 years. Our full archive containing hundreds of his reviews, comments and debates are available here.
Other guest blogs may also appear on this page from time to time.
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Sir James Dyson and Lady Deirdre Dyson – An Apology
What could the next 10 years have in store for the regional news industry?
Steve Dyson continues our series of first-person pieces to mark the 20th anniversary of HTFP
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Future of industry is in safe hands says editor-in-chief
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists