A new monthly free newspaper for the East End of London is set to launch this week with a print run of 10,000.
The East End Citizen, which is being launched as a sister title to the Hackney Citizen, will be available for the first time on Friday.
The new title will cover the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, and the first edition will be available on Friday from locations including cafes, shops, businesses and libraries.
It is being produced by Citizen Enterprises, which has published the Hackney title for the last eight years.
Founding editor Keith Magnum decided to launch the title off the back of the success of the Hackney edition, which has a staff of four and switched publication from quarterly to monthly in 2010.
An East End Citizen website is already up and running in support of the print venture.
Said Keith: “The East End Citizen will cover Tower Hamlets news, politics, arts and culture in the same successful format as its sister paper, the Hackney Citizen.”
The new paper will be published during the first week of every month.
Is there not a pattern here … niche publish, in print, for free and there is success to be had? Last week the Voice in Bristol, this week in London.
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It’s not exactly niche, having read it I’d say it’s a good, slightly highbrow paper, it’s just not owned by one of the big five / four / three which need to make extensive profit and sustain dozens of sales people on bonuses.
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Frees often come with the sunshine, but as soon as the dark clouds of economic downturn appear they’re off with the swallows.
I hope I’m wrong in this case, of course, but we had three competing frees around my way until 2008 and then they all vanished “like snow upon the desert’s dusty face”, to quote Omar Khayyam.
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Well very good luck to them i say,anyone setting up against the complacent ones in the so called big five deserve to do well.
presumably they are trading on all the things that the others took for granted then lost and i iont just mean their readerships,notably good customer service,quality news,real,local content written by professionals not via readers sending in copy to be subbed or by a laughable “investigations unit”
This hyper local way of publishing appears to be successful as in east anglia we have some good local papers and magazines aimed at a geographical area or the higher lifestyle markets that the main group have let slip
low overheads and high standards and audience should win the day
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