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Reporter leaves daily for PR role with business organisation

Ed HornerA reporter has left a regional daily to start a new PR role with a business organisation.

York Press journalist Ed Horner has joined Harrogate Business Improvement District as a PR and communications officer.

Ed, pictured, will lead on the BID’s communications, a strategic approach around data, analytics and research, and offer support on projects, campaigns and events.

He had worked at the Press as an apprentice reporter since 2019.

Ed told the Press: “Travelling over to Harrogate has always been a lovely day out with my friends and family, so it’s a privilege to now work here as part of the town’s BID.

“I’m looking forward to putting my skills and knowledge to good use and working with the team, Board Members and Partners to develop the Harrogate BID story.”

BID Manager Matthew Chapman added: “We were thrilled to have a strong collection of people apply for this role and Ed’s experience in local media, appetite to deliver positive outcomes and awareness of the local area really take us to the next level as an organisation as we approach term two and our new business plan.”