A woman who has Down’s syndrome has landed a new job thanks to a regional daily.
Louise Wignall appeared in the Bolton News in October to appeal for a paid office or admin role after doing voluntary work for most of her life.
The story was seen by Dr Helen Wall, senior GP partner at The Oaks Family Practice, who subsequently offered Ms Wignall a job.
The 46-year-old works on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
She told the News: “I’ve really enjoyed my new job- it was a nice surprise.
“I do shredding of paper, sort files out into folders, sort through the post, we have put the Christmas decorations up and I’m enjoying my job.
“I’m working two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I am getting paid for it.
“I had my first pay packet and celebrated with a glass of champagne and treated myself.”
Her father Brian Wignall added: “She love’s going to work and wakes up with a buzz every Tuesday and Thursday.
“We are really grateful to the Bolton News for telling her story and to The Oaks Surgery for making it all possible.”