A regional journalism awards ceremony will be held in person for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began.
The Kent Press & Broadcast Awards has announced it will go ahead with a physical ceremony after launching this year’s scheme.
Entries are now being welcomed across 16 categories covering print, broadcast, digital, photography and design.
This year’s awards will be presented by BBC News presenter Ben Brown, pictured, who grew up in Kent.
He said: “Local news reporting and journalism is the lifeblood of our industry, and indeed our democracy.
“We need it desperately to hold power to account, and of course to keep people fully informed about the issues that matter to them, in their cities, towns and villages.
“As a trainee reporter, I worked at what was then BBC Radio Medway, which became BBC Radio Kent, and saw for myself at a young age how people rely on local news.
“And in local radio in Glasgow and Liverpool, I had some of the most satisfying years of my career, making contacts and breaking stories. Long may local journalism thrive.”
Entries must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 22 April. The ceremony will be held at Kent County Cricket Club, in Canterbury, on Friday 15 July.
Rachel Knight, awards organiser and director of PR firm Maxim, said: “It’s been a tough couple of years for everyone and while we were pleased to be able to keep the Kent Press & Broadcast Awards going with virtual ceremonies, we can’t wait to get back in a room with everyone to celebrate Kent’s media.
“This year we have more categories than ever so hopefully there is something for everyone. KPBA remains free to enter and every finalist is invited to attend the ceremony free of charge, thanks to our very generous sponsors.
“We are still looking for organisations to support the awards and would love to hear from anyone interested in supporting local journalism by sponsoring a category.
“The ceremony is always great fun and I’m sure this year will be emotional as people meet up with their industry colleagues again.”