A regional daily is hoping to influence council bosses to restore the fortunes of a “dilapidated” city centre at a crunch meeting today.
Aberdeen-based daily the Press & Journal is taking part in an “emergency summit” about the future of the city’s Union Street, also known as the ‘Granite Mile’.
Trade on the street has suffered declined due to factors including the 2014 oil price crash, the coronavirus pandemic and the current recession – leaving a large number of vacant units after retailers including Debenhams and John Lewis shut up shop there.
The P&J splashed on the summit this morning, running an accompanying editorial urging those in authority to rally together and find solutions.
In the editorial, the newspaper said: “A quick stroll down the street shows dozens of empty units, and unkempt buildings suffering at the hands of absentee landlords who have little to no connection to Aberdeen.
“An increase in antisocial behaviour deters people looking to spend time in our city centre. And its dilapidated condition is currently stopping any meaningful investment.”
The P&J went on to call for solutions “focused on the short to medium term in order to raise the area from its knees as soon as possible”.
It added: “It is now time to diversify. Trends in shopping are changing and we must move with the times. Focus now needs to be on encouraging more people to live and work there.
“While today is about acknowledging the issues our city centre faces, it’s also important we see it as the date to move forward.
“The future of Union Street is something that affects all Aberdeen residents. It is something that should unite us, for its success will benefit us all.
“We need to think differently and come up with creative solutions that quickly improve the look and feel of our main high street before it’s too late.
“With a targeted collective and collaborative approach we can help the silver city shine once more.”