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Reporter chronicles journey to 92 UK counties

An intrepid trek by a reporter across the highest peaks of the UK has been chronicled in a new book.

Jonny Muir, from Aberdeen daily the Press and Journal, spent three months cycling to and climbing to the highest points of all 92 historic counties in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.

In his book ‘Heights of Madness’, he writes about the 92-day voyage which the 28-year-old told HTFP was the first of its kind.

Among the summits visited were Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike, Snowdon and Slieve Donard. The journey, which he undertook in 2006, started on Brown Willy, the summit of Cornwall, and finished on Ben Nevis.

Jonny, who is currently training for the Loch Ness Marathon next month, climbed the equivalent of Mount Everest 14 times on the trip.

He was forced to cross a live military firing zone to reach the highest point in Yorkshire and was fortunate not to be seriously injured after a number of falls from his bicycle.

The only times he did not travel under his own steam was when he caught ferries to Scottish islands and Northern Ireland.

He said: “I wanted to do something that had never been done before and was intrigued by the idea of being able to travel 5,000 miles, the equivalent of England to Nepal, without leaving the UK.

“This isn’t simply a book about hills and mountains, but a celebration of our nation’s eccentricities and the challenge of travelling through the UK.”