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Journalist camps out at shop test its homeliness

A newspaper reporter spent two days camped out in a supermarket for a feature.

Daniel Wainwright, from the Express and Star in Wolverhampton, pitched a tent in a 24-hour Asda to see if it was possible to live a “normal” life in the confines of a shop.

Daniel said: “I explained it to people by saying ‘if you can get everything under one roof, do you even need your own roof?’

“Lying in my tent in the foyer of the shop I was poked, prodded and shaken by scores of drunk students looking for some late night munchies.

“I woke up as two blokes unzipped my tent, sat cross legged on the floor and offered to share their Cornish pasties with me.

While being awoken by some drunks in his tent at the store, Dan decided to use his experience to raise money for homeless charity Shelter. So far he has gathered £180.

He added: “In a way I was trying to point out that if there is to be no end to rising council tax bills, inflation and energy companies blaming their price hikes on rising fuel costs, while boasting record profits, then maybe the answer is to give up your home and live inside the supermarket where all the electricity and so on is free.

“Of course this has no basis in reality. Shelter tackles that reality every day.

“While I told a semi-humorous tale of being shaken awake by drunks, homeless people sleep in the freezing cold in constant fear that someone will rob or kill them for whatever precious little they have.

“While I was planning this feature I gave no thought to people less fortunate than myself and I simply solicited sympathy from my friends.

“At least during that time I have reflected on how lucky I am.”