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Business news central to MEN's plans

The Manchester Evening News is targeting its business readership by boosting content and giving the pages a fixed place in the paper.

The MEN will now feature four pages of business news from across the city everyday and publish it in the heart of the paper as a centre-page pullout.

MEN business editor Chris Barry said: “The business pages have always been popular with our readers and we’re thrilled with the continued growth and recognition.

“As the voice of Manchester we will continue to build on what we do well and drive our product forward for the benefit of businesses of all sizes.

“As well as our print product we will be improving our web offering further still in the coming months as we are seeing strong growth in online readership.”

The paper said the new location and additional pages had been allocated as a direct result of reader and business community feedback.

Since MEN launched a weekly business supplement, the daily pages have not had a fixed place in the newspaper, making them more difficult to find.

The MEN says it will be using the increased space devoted purely to business to examine more issues in-depth.


F. Johnston (13/08/2008 20:35:10)
Crain’s Manchester business is a proving a success then .. .