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Photographer's lucky escape as car is attacked

A regional press photographer escaped uninjured when an object was hurled at his car, shattering his windscreen.

Chris Moorhouse, who works for the Southern Daily Echo in Southampton, had a lucky escape as he headed west along the M27 in his Vauxhall Corsa.

He had just gone past the M3 interchange at junction four when the incident happened as Chris was returning to the office from a job.

  • Chris’s windscreen, with biro for scale
  • He believes someone threw a missile from a bridge connecting two roads, high above the carriageway.

    Chris said: “There was an almighty bang. I looked around and realised the windscreen had smashed on the passenger side.

    “When I got back to the office, I examined the dent in the windscreen and it didn’t look as if it had come from a stone or a piece of gravel. It seemed to have come from a regular, linear object.”

    The incident is the latest in a string of attacks where objects have been hurled from bridges spanning motorways.

    Police have warned that anyone who throw objects at a moving vehicle could face charges of attempted murder.

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