The Torquay Herald Express is marking its 80th anniversary this year with the launch of a new appeal.
The Help A Teenager initiative aims to raise £80,000 to equip a new ward for young people at Torbay Hospital.
It follows the conclusion of the newspaper’s Heart Appeal in which Herald Express readers raised more than £365,000 to help reach the £1.5m target to build a chest pain unit at the hospital.
The paper will also be marking the anniversary by running a series of bygones features looking back at its history and is also planning to hold a community event in a local park.
Editor Brendan Hanrahan said: “We wanted to use the anniversary on July 13 to help a new charity following the closure of the Heart Appeal.
“The bygones material and the new HAT appeal will be the main focus of the anniversary. I liked the juxtaposition of the paper reaching 80 years and looking back at its history but also looking forward and doing something to help readers of the future.”
Brendan said the Herald Express will also be holding its annual charity walks over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend.
He said: “The first year we had about 150 people taking part and we raised £20,000. Last year about 500 took part and raised around £24,000.
“The walks before have been quite challenging, given our circulation area and the local countryside. This year’s walks have been specifically tested to be suitable to be taken on by any member of the family.”