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Sunday title to stop publishing weekly leaders

Steward WardA Sunday newspaper editor has revealed that his title will no longer be publishing weekly leaders.

Stewart Ward, who edits the Sunday National, announced the move in yesterday’s edition of the pro-independence Scottish title.

Writing in the paper’s ‘Behind the Headlines’ section, he said that the time spent writing leaders would instead be spent on reporting and analysis.

Stewart, pictured, said he did not want the newspaper to shape people’s opinions, but to equip people to form their own.

He wrote: “In this week’s behind the headlines, I want to explain to you a change we’re making: The Sunday National will not be publishing a leader every week as we do now.

The National wears its heart on its sleeve. We are open about being a pro-independence newspaper which holds positions including a desire to grow our nation’s links with Europe and questioning the privilege of the monarchy.

“That, I hope, allows you to further trust our work as journalists. We are clear about the context in which to read our articles – and we know our facts hold up.

“The core matter here is that I believe we are valuable as a journalistic outlet not in shaping your opinion, but in equipping you to shape opinions. And to form them.

“And so we want to evolve our Sunday National leaders. At present, you’ll find them above the caption contest in our Seven Days supplement – they give you a sense of our paper’s stance on a big topic of the week.

“You’ll find them intermittently in the main paper in future. Sometimes we will want to raise wider points about the movement we write for.

“But it will not be a matter of course as it is at present. Instead, the time we use writing the leaders will be used for reporting and analysis. The analysis, from the likes of top political reporter Judith Duffy, will help put stories into useful context.”

“Journalism is evolving. We must recognise that as journalists if we want to best deliver to our readers. And if we want to win and maintain your trust.”