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Would-be sports reporters put through their paces

An initiative in Yorkshire is giving the next generation of sports reporters a chance to be put through their paces.

The scheme, run by the Yorkshire Post, allows pupils from primary and secondary schools in the circulation area to take part in a one-day sports writing course.

That means children from around Yorkshire, east Lancashire, northern Lincolnshire and north Derbyshire are set to benefit. The first to take part were from Handsworth Grange in Sheffield.

Former Darlington Evening Despatch editor Robin Thompson gave the 16 children, aged 14 and 15, a broad introduction to journalism skills.

Robin, who was also editor-in-charge of training for Westminster Press for a number of years, said: “When I became involved in training communication skills, I was convinced that the lessons journalists have to learn are relevant beyond the newspaper industry.

“Everyone enjoys learning to communicate more simply, clearly and accurately. That’s the job of the journalist and I’m privileged and delighted to bring these lessons to such enthusiastic young people.”

The pupils were given guidebooks to sportwriting and information on how to get their stories onto a new website,, part of another campaign being run by the Yorkshire Post.

The separate campaign Sporting Chance aims to improve the quantity and quality of sports education in state schools.

Robin has high hopes for the sport writing initiative, and said: “I hope that one day these media lessons are part of the syllabus in every school.”

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