Political journalist said clause’ would be like “looking for cobwebs while Rome burns”
Newspaper Conference
What we have written about Newspaper Conference
Nuttall urges regional journalists to ‘engage’ with UKIP candidates
Party leader praises work of local press
Regional lobby journalists’ body appoints new chair
Daily newspaper correspondent takes on Westminster role
European politics beat for regional lobby group chair
Plus: Round-up of recent regional press job moves
Hunt praises regional daily’s mental health campaign success
Health secretary speaks of “unparalleled” trust of local press
Health Secretary to address regional political journalists
Minister will speak at Newspaper Conference lunch next month
Corbyn sets face against FoI charges
Labour leader addresses regional journalists’ lunch
Jeremy Corbyn to address regional political journalists’ annual lunch
Speech will be first address to Westminster lobby since election as Labour leader
‘Local newspapers could decide 200 seats’ says political editor
Newspaper Conference chairman speaks out ahead of General Election
Minister to look at BBC’s impact on local press
Culture Secretary reveals “love affair” with regional newspapers
Minsiter to address regional political journalists
Sajid Javid MP to speak at Newspaper Conference lunch
Minister to address regional political journalists
Sajid Javid MP to speak at Newspaper Conference lunch
Osborne to address regional journalists' annual lunch
Chancellor to be guest speaker conference event
Heseltine to address London-based regional journalists
Next Newspaper Conference lunch set to take place
Mirror move sparks reshuffle at regional press body
New conference chairman named after lobby man departs
YP political editor to head Newspaper Conference
Archant Anglia lobby correspondent becomes deputy