Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Update on access to Family Court documents for journalists
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: IPSO and the regulation of user-generated content
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: What does the Duchess of Sussex’s privacy win mean for journalists?
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: A reminder of contempt laws in age of Covid court hearings
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: 83,000 reasons to remember that arrested suspects have right to privacy until charged
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law column: Privacy, photographs and the European Court of Human Rights
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Depp v NGN and Dan Wootton – Truth defence prevails
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: “Extreme left” – Fact or opinion according to IPSO?
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Is calling out “covidiots” worth the legal risk?
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Section 45 and the defendant’s use of social media
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Does a request to desist from making contact last indefinitely?
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: A cautionary tale of innuendo reference for Mr Corbyn
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Does right to privacy trump press freedom on reporting restrictions?
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: Limited recording and broadcasting allowed in Crown Courts
Our regular look at legal issues facing journalists
Law Column: S.4(2) and other reporting restriction pitfalls
Our fortnightly look at legal issues facing journalists