Former Yorkshire Post editor Tony Watson has been appointed editorial director of The Press Association. In the newly created role the former regional press journalist, who joined the news agency last year as head of business development, will be responsible
Paul Potts
What we have written about Paul Potts
Blunkett launches community news wire
The Home Secretary, David Blunkett, has launched the new Community Newswire initiative to expand media exposure for community and voluntary groups. The Home Office-funded project will boost the groups’ contact with the media and provide journalists with a new source
PA role for former Yorkshire Post editor
Former Yorkshire Post editor Tony Watson is to join the Press Association as head of business development. Tony, (47), edited the award-winning Yorkshire paper for 13 years, but announced his decision to step down in November. His new role will
"Too few women editors" says Liz Page
Liz Page, editor of the Evening Press, York, has won the unanimous nomination of the board of the Society of Editors to take over as vice president next month. If the annual meeting in Cardiff in October backs the board’s
Editor of PA joins journalists' standards committee
Jonathan Grun takes over from PA Group chief exec Paul Potts in media industry role
Newspaper men join Code of Practice committee
A newspaper watchdog group’s code of standards committee has two new members. Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, and Trinity Mirror’s regional newspapers editorial director Neil Benson, are to sit on the Editors’ Code of Practice Committee, which reviews the voluntary code