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New pro-European newspaper lands Campbell exclusive

A regional publisher’s new newspaper aimed at the 48pc of people who voted to stay in the EU marks its second issue today with a scoop from Tony Blair’s spin doctor.

Alastair Campbell has penned an exclusive piece for The New European on why he believes the battle over Europe is not yet over.

The title was launched last Friday by Norwich-based Archant which also publishes four regional dailies in the East of England and a series of weeklies.

Priced £2, the paper will initially run for four issues, with subsequent print runs being decided by reader interest.


The title was conceived in the wake of the Brexit vote bon 23 June which saw 51.9pc of people vote for the UK to leave the European Union while 48.1pc voted to Remain.

Like the inaugural issue, today’s second edition also features a cartoon as the main front page image.

In his piece, excerpts of which have also been carried in the Daily Mirror, Mr Campbell advises new Prime Minister Theresa May to hold a second referendum on EU membership once the terms of departure have been negotiated.

He said this would offer voters “a real choice of real options, rather than the fake choice between a Johnson nirvana of more money for the NHS, Independence Day, cuddly toys for all; or a hell of Brussels bureaucracy, mass immigration and straight bananas.”


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  • July 15, 2016 at 10:42 am

    The New European seems to be going down like a lead balloon in the Norwich newsagents and shops I have visited recently. Piles of untouched copies. Staff behind the counter have confirmed very few buyers.
    A bit worrying as Norwich was one of the few areas to vote remain in East Anglia.
    I wonder what the picture is like in other parts of the country.
    Flying off the shelves??

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  • July 15, 2016 at 12:58 pm

    You know, despite being the curmudgeonly old git that I am, I rather like this new newspaper. I might even buy it.

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  • July 15, 2016 at 9:54 pm

    Sales figures from first one?

    Plans for a third?

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  • July 16, 2016 at 3:03 pm

    Alastair Campbell offering advice to the Prime Minister! Priceless.

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  • July 17, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    It took me forever to find a copy around here (Ipswich area). Whether that means an unexpectedly passionate bunch of Suffolk Remainers or poor distribution, I don’t know.

    But I have to say, though I haven’t read it closely yet, it looks pretty good.

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