A London weekly gave a lesson to primary school pupils about the art of photojournalism as they launched their own newspaper.
Hampstead & Highgate Express photographer Nigel Sutton, pictured left, showed the youngsters his camera and taught them about his work as part of the project at Highgate Primary School.
And a piece on the Ham & High’s website even joked the new newspaper would give the Archant-owned weekly a “run for its money”.
So far this term in their paper the pupils have exposed bad parking etiquette by parents in the school car park, reported on the campaign for a safer pedestrian crossing on a nearby road, and written up their experiences of school trips.
The Ham & High has previously printed its own sporadic young readers’ editions, written entirely by teenagers on its patch.
Highgate Primary School teacher Kate Imeson said: ““The idea is not only to create a newspaper but to experience what it is like to be a journalist.
“They are never too young to try out being journalists and throughout primary school they do use different genres of writing, but this gives them a real purpose to produce a newspaper.”
The school now hopes to produce a newspaper once every term.