A soon-to-be-relaunched regional daily has given readers a first glimpse of what it is calling its “lighter, brighter look.”
As reported on HoldtheFrontPage last month, the Leeds-based Yorkshire Evening Post is undergoing a revamp with the new version due to hit the streets on 19 January.
The relaunch will coincide with the start of the Post’s Your Right To Know campaign, which aims to turn the spotlight on the way taxpayers’ cash is spent and how public services are delivered in Leeds.
The Johnston Press-owned title also plans to recruit a team of volunteer correspondents who will compile weekly columns filled with grassroots news about the places where they live.
Guides to the city’s top shopping bargains and the lowdown on the best spots to eat and drink in Leeds will also be part of the new look paper.
Editor Jeremy Clifford said: “I am excited about the new look and the new package we have put together making the Yorkshire Evening Post a better newspaper than it has ever been.”
Readers were previously invited to join a panel to give their views on the new-look paper and were given a first glimpse in a story published on the paper’s website yesterday.
It read: “Our revamp aims to reflect the YEP’s position at the heart of 21st century Leeds, with the sample pages printed here showing the lighter, brighter look and feel planned for the new-style paper.”
YEP managing editor Nicola Furbisher added: “The Yorkshire Evening Post has always been and always will be rooted in the communities it serves.
“First and foremost we belong to our readers – and our commitment to getting to the heart of important matters on their behalf is as strong as it ever was.”
The YEP’s move comes at the start of its 125th anniversary year.
More details on the relaunch are set to be announced in the coming days.