A retired civil servant will chair the appointment panel of the new Independent Press Standards Organisation, it has been announced.
Sir Hayden Phillips was was chosen for the position by a Foundation Group which was headed by former judge Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers.
The new regulator was proposed by the industry as an alternative to the government’s regulation plans, which received Royal approval last week, and has support from most national and regional newspapers.
Sir Hayden is now expected to choose the board members to sit on IPSO and Culture Secretary Maria Miller has indicated the Royal Charter could become redundant if an effective system of self-regulation is brought in.
A statement from the former judge Lord Phillip’s office said: “The Foundation Group identified Sir Hayden Phillips as the person whom it wished to chair the Appointment Panel.
“Sir Hayden has agreed to undertake this task provided the proposals for the new body, which were circulated last week, receive overwhelming support from the press.”