A weekly newspaper’s appeal to help people in crisis has seen Christmas food items given out to those in need.
The North Norfolk News launched its Banking on You appeal in partnership with Cromer Foodbank to ask readers to bring in gifts of food to for those who have fallen on hard times.
The Archant Norfolk office was inundated with donations thanks to the generosity of readers and built up a mountain of food, which will be given out in emergency parcels which are designed to last three days.
Staff at Archant’s main Norwich office have also got in the festive spirit by donating more than 200 items of food and several boxes of clothes for homeless and needy people attending the Norwich Open Christmas event.
The Cromer Foodbank, which launched in August, has recently opened two new distribution hubs in church halls to hand out the essential food packages.
North Norfolk News editor Richard Batson said: “There has been a steady stream of people bringing in food to the office.
“It made us a bit hungry at times, but it was great to see the paper playing an active role supporting a very worthwhile venture and campaign that captures the real spirit of Christmas.”
More than 150 people have been helped since the launch of the foodbank, which aims to open new distribution centres next year.
Foodbank chairman Tina Nicholas said she was amazed at the generosity of readers.
She said: “With the onset of the cold weather, it seems that people are even more understanding of how difficult it can be to pay for the heating and lighting.”