A video filmed by a newspaper reporter of a tower demolition attracted more than 10,000 hits online.
Andrew Woodman from the Thanet Times and Isle of Thanet Gazette was covering the historic moment that Richborough powers station cooling towers were demolished.
He uploaded the video on to live-streaming website Bambuser and used Twitter to let people know about the video as he waited for the demolition on 11 March.
More than 130 people watched Andrew’s video live as the explosion happened and overall it attracted 10,366 hits on ThisisKent, as well as a high number of comments and 86 likes.
Coverage of the demolition on the newspaper’s website combining the video footage with social media reaction from sites such as YouTube and Twitter attracted more than 16,500 page views in 24 hours.
Editor Rebecca Smith said: “With no newspaper out until Tuesday there was no way we were going to keep the towers’ demolition as an exclusive so it made sense to be first with the news on every media platform possible. With Andrew’s excellent work we were there with the television crews in relaying the first images of this historic moment.
“Hopefully our presence on social networking will put our brand first in people’s minds if and when they go to pick up a newspaper to find out more about the story.”
See the video here.