A regional political journalist faced the threat of being sent to prison for refusing to reveal his sources during a court case.
Last week HTFP reported that in a civil case against a former council standards watchdog, Plymouth Herald political reporter Keith Rossiter had been sent a letter referring to being ‘cut up and being placed in lobster pots some 20 miles south of the Eddystone Lighthouse.’
Malcolm Haggart, who is alleged to have sent the letter, was in court being sued by a councillor over allegations of harassment following two letters he sent her in 2009.
Related correspondence, including the original letter, was leaked to The Herald, and Mr Haggart accused Cllr Beer of being the source of the leaked documents.
Keith was summonsed to give evidence during the dispute between the two which began in 2008.
Had he been called, he could have been fined or imprisoned for contempt of court for refusing to disclose his sources for the story.
Lawyer Tony Jaffa, of Foot Anstey, finally persuaded the Recorder in the County Court that it was unnecessary to call Keith to give evidence.
Clare Jardine, acting editor of The Herald, said: “It is important that newspapers stand up for the duty of journalists to protect their sources.
“Our lawyers made representations that ensured Keith Rossiter was not put in a position where he might have been held in contempt of court if he did not reveal his sources.
“Fighting cases like this can be expensive, but doing so is vital for journalistic integrity.”
The county court case was adjourned for judgement until later this year.