New research from the National Union of Journalists has revealed low earnings among freelance media workers – and claims that the situation is getting worse.
The research was carried out in advance of the 2005 NUJ Pay In The Media Summit at the weekend.
It showed that the daily rate for freelance reporters on some regional papers was as low as £60 (Metro, regional), while £85 or £90 a day was the norm for sub-editors at many Trinity Mirror and Newsquest tiles. The Chichester Observer (Johnston Press) paid just £25, according to the survey.
The situation for photographers showed that a regional press photographer can earn as little as £12.50 for an image (Yeovil Express), or £60 a day (Brighton Argus).
General secretary Jeremy Dear said: “These are highly skilled people that the media industry relies upon heavily and is hugely indebted to.
“There is no place for a two-tier workforce in our profession. We will not stand for freelances being paid a second-class rate for doing a top-class job.”
The event also highlighted progress made through growing union recognition.
Jeremy said: “We have won 150 new recognition agreements over the last four years and rebuilt our group chapels. This has meant we have won back holidays and have seen pay figures rise in double percentage figures.”
The union used its summit to announce plans for a study to show that making a profit and paying decent wages could go hand in hand in the newspaper industry.
Jeremy said: “We want to show you can run a newspaper, you can pay decent wages, you can treat people fairly and you can still make a profit out of it.”