The South London Press is urging readers to give their blood to save a life.
And the paper is taking its coverage to a rather more interesting level – with one of its reporters describing her experience of being a first-time blood donor.
Chief reporter Hannah Goff was first in line to have a needle stuck in her arm.
She said: “As a first time giver I was naturally nervous.
“It’s the fear of the unknown I suppose, plus the added thought of doing the business on camera.
“But my reassuring receptionist spotted my dry mouth and darting eyes and offered me a large glass of squash.”
She explained the stringent medical guidelines, that say who can and cannot give blood, and when they can and cannot give it.
And dutifully she went through the process in front of the paper’s photographer, appearing in print with her arm stretched out and the blood filling up the plastic storage pouch.
Ten minutes later the nurse told Hannah she had done enough to save three lives – a good feeling, she said – but then it was time to recover.
Hannah said: “I feel a little dizzy as I stand up and decide to rest for an hour longer and have some more squash. There’s a strange dehydrated sensation but it’s not a patch on a mild hangover.
“And you don’t save lives when you drink.”
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