A phone poll has given readers of the Torquay Herald Express a voice – and they have voted with a resounding “no” to plans to tear down Paignton’s historic Palace Theatre.
The paper has been covering the saga ever since it was revealed the venue needed a £1m facelift to comply with new regulations.
Demolition was one of the options tabled by a theatre working party, which also put forward a failed £2.9m Lottery bid to transform the site into a versatile new arts centre.
The poll about the Victorian theatre registered 927 people against demolition with only 41 in favour, a result that has pleased theatre supporters.
But Jill Farrant, of the Bijou Theatre Company, said: “Where are these people when the local productions need support?
“We need people to put their money where their mouths are.”
She is hoping the venue can remain open with improved facilities.
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