Banbury is getting a new children’s ward – thanks to generous readers of a local paper.
A year ago, the Banbury Guardian urged local people to give everything they could spare to the paper’s Tot-Up campaign for a new £1m ward for children at the Horton Hospital.
Twelve months on, the appeal has reached its £240,000 target – and the ward is set to open in May.
Fundraising co-ordinator, Yolanda Jacob, said: “I can’t believe we’ve exceeded our target in such a short time… It’s been a project that’s close to my heart and the children deserve it.”
Paediatrician at the Horton, Harvey Marcovitch, said: “This is a dream come true.”
The new ward has 17 beds for children in a mixture of one-, two- and three-person rooms. There is a treat room and equipment store plus nurses’ stations, parents’ facilities and a kitchen.
The hospital is paying for the remaining cost of building the new ward which is on the site of the former occupational therapy unit.
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