A campaign to encourage more people to carry donor cards has been launched by the Cambridge Evening News.
Nearly 400 people in the region are on the waiting list for an organ transplant, and many of those will die before a donor is found.
Only 15 per cent of people there have signed up to the NHS Organ Donor Register, and the Evening News Carry a Card campaign is aimed at improving that figure.
Many of the paper’s staff have already signed the donor register and now they are appealing for their readers to do the same.
To encourage more people to come forward the paper is highlighting the need for donors with a series of case studies and will also report on the day-by-day success of the campaign.
Evening News editor Colin Grant, said: “As medical expertise has improved so has the demand for donors.
“Many people may find it a difficult decision to make but it does mean you could be saving someone’s life.
“I hope that many of our readers will give their support by signing one of our Carry a Card forms.”
Nearly five million people nation-wide have now signed the NHS Organ Donor Register, but the huge success of transplantation means even more donors are needed.
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