A campaign by the Ipswich Evening Star to close a killer gap on the A12 at Brightwell could be on the verge of victory.
The Evening Star led calls for the gap to be sealed after it reported on the death of an elderly couple shortly before Christmas.
The couple died when the car they were travelling in crashed into a lorry that was going across the road, from a gap in the central reservation.
Now Suffolk County Council officials say they are in favour of closing the notoriously dangerous gaps that allow traffic to turn across busy dual carriageways.
But although both the Highways Agency and the county council are in favour of a temporary closure, eight weeks notice has to be given.
At the moment, the Highways Agency is responsible for the road but it is due to be de-trunked in April, meaning it should then be run by Suffolk County Council.
A spokesman for the council said: “We are in favour of closing the gaps and have suggested an experimental order to monitor the effects.
“This would mean closing them for a minimum of six months and a maximum of 18 months.”
If the council does take over the road, it could enforce a permanent closure, although any objections would have to be considered.
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