The local media has joined forces in Liverpool to launch a massive £1m appeal for the Samaritans.
The cash would secure the future of the cash-strapped group, which needs £40,000 a year in running costs and could be forced to close without financial help.
The Daily Post and Liverpool Echo have teamed up with radio and broadcasting companies to get the appeal under way.
Echo editor Mark Dickinson said: “The Samaritans are unsung heroes.
“Day after day, year after year, they are there on the other end of a phone when a desperate person needs them.
“They have saved countless lives and helped many thousands of people through a crisis which had driven them to despair.
“The Echo is delighted that we now have a chance to help them.”
The appeal is calling for both people’s cash and also their time – by asking anyone interested in becoming a volunteer on the phone lines or as a fund-raiser to come forward.
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